End of the internship, beginning of my career

So, i’m not the greatest at blogging, but I am going to make more of an effort to post frequently! What’s new on my end? Well, I completed my dietetic internship mid May and the last week of my internship was nuts! The job I worked at as a diet aide had an opening forContinue reading “End of the internship, beginning of my career”

Do the work that feeds your soul, not your ego

When I first decided that I was interested in nutrition I was 16 years old. I had just been diagnosed with type 1 diabetes that year and I had switched to a new highschool facing two very big life changes. I had an amazing Registered Dietitian that taught me how to carb count and learnContinue reading “Do the work that feeds your soul, not your ego”

Chicken and black bean stuffed sweet potatoes

Yesterday I felt inspired to try a new recipe out. I went to pinterest to see if I could be inspired by a recipe and I stumbled across a recipe for chicken and black beans stuffed sweet potatoes. It looked so mouth-watering that I had to try it. Now to preface, I always have skepticismContinue reading “Chicken and black bean stuffed sweet potatoes”